
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Little Spring Cleaning/New Feature

I've been so impressed with the increase I see of women, Christian bloggers.
So, since May has more or less been about falling back and regrouping a bit for me, as a new feature on my blog, I've added a blog list of some of my favorite women bloggers. Emphasis on some. The list is below the 'recent comments' list.

This is an incomplete and in process list. I'll be adding as I continue to discover and rediscover these wonderful women of faith. Women who are not satisfied with the status quo but are interested in really taking hold of God and Ministry and fighting against prejudice, injustice and oppression. They all have their own manner of dealing with these issues. But they all have a drive and passion for what they are doing. Their voices are honest and needed in these times.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kinda Busy, But....

My words are appearing elsewhere and all my regulars are are welcome to go see them if they wish.
Christian woman bloggers are popping up everywhere and doing a better job at defending the freedom God has for His daughters better than anything I could come up with.

Our numbers are growing ladies.
It's a good thing too. The more hands the better. It makes it easier on the rest of us.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I had to do it. Sorry.

I always wanted to keep my blog open for unmoderated comments. And I still do.
But recently I've been invaded by more and more aggressive spammers in languages I don't even know. And I've had less and less time to spend here to remove those comments.
Anyone wishing to comment on actual posts on this blog, please do. I'll get in when I can to let your comment through.

But all spammers are forever and always banned from having their comments ever see the light of day here. Go sell your useless, and most likely perverted, wares elsewhere. My blog is not your free advertising channel. In other words, "Get lost!"

My regular commenters, again sorry. I love what you all have to say. I'm also sorry I've been more or less awol during this very busy month. I should return soon... "Lord willing and if the creek don't rise."
