
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Just putting this here for now.

I haven't read this yet.
Can We Be Christian Feminist?
I plan on reading it. Hopefully soon.
It was suggested by a reader (thanks, btw) and I want to give it a proper read.

The question the title asks is no big deal to me.
I do believe we can be Christian Feminists but I never say it too loudly. Not because I'm ashamed or anything. It's just that the "F" word has been so vilified and has become such a lightning rod and conversation stopper that it is just about pointless to ever use it.

Here is another link. This is one that I can endorse because I have read it and have linked it many times both here and other places.

The Suffragettes and a Woman's Right to Choose

Feminism is not evil.
But you wouldn't know it by listening to the foaming-at-the-mouth witch hunters raging in church pulpits and on the internet.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Selective Literalism Explained with Example

For all people to see how selective literalism is used against women and not against men.

Selective Literalism: Female Elders