
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Just putting this here for now.

I haven't read this yet.
Can We Be Christian Feminist?
I plan on reading it. Hopefully soon.
It was suggested by a reader (thanks, btw) and I want to give it a proper read.

The question the title asks is no big deal to me.
I do believe we can be Christian Feminists but I never say it too loudly. Not because I'm ashamed or anything. It's just that the "F" word has been so vilified and has become such a lightning rod and conversation stopper that it is just about pointless to ever use it.

Here is another link. This is one that I can endorse because I have read it and have linked it many times both here and other places.

The Suffragettes and a Woman's Right to Choose

Feminism is not evil.
But you wouldn't know it by listening to the foaming-at-the-mouth witch hunters raging in church pulpits and on the internet.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Selective Literalism Explained with Example

For all people to see how selective literalism is used against women and not against men.

Selective Literalism: Female Elders

Sunday, November 29, 2015

"The SBC Is Pimping Out Lottie Moon"

Not my words but a quote from and angry female member of the Southern Baptist Conventions, Monica Dennington.

She's angry that the Southern Baptist Convention is, in fact, pimping out Lottie Moon.

Here is a link to her blog/vlog article:

"Are You Funding Terroism? The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering"

I really like her title. And I also like her boldness in stating the sorry truth about the SBC pimping out Lottie.

So when you put the two together, the terrorism and the pimping, what you actually have is female trafficking of a distinguished saint.

Tell it like it is, Monica. Expose the evil of the men in charge of the Southern Baptist Convention, and their greedy, oppressive little hearts.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Doug Wilson's Other Protected Pedophile

I guess Wilson has a special place in his heart for Pedophiles. He works so hard to protect them and keep them safe. He believes their lies and false repentances. He minimizes their sins while magnifying every small imperfection of the victims and, in some cases, the parents of the victims.

Perhaps Wilson should back away from doing church and open a foster home for poor, down-trodden, unloved pedophiles. This home could include a dating service or courtship service so he can find those pedophiles young virgins to exploit in marriage because those pedophiles obviously don't have the gift of celibacy and must marry so they don't burn with passion.

Joking aside, I am appalled at Wilson's actions in the Sitler case.

Now I'm appalled all over again as I'm finding out about Wilson's deep involvement in the Jamin Wight case.

I have two links concerning this case to share.
First the letter Wilson sent the father of Wight's  victim.

Letter on Christ Church Stationary

Next, Wight's victim's reflections in light of the latest news on Sitler case.

When Doug Wrote My Father

I have not read all the way through the second. One of the reasons I have a blog is so that I can find these things later and look at them more thoroughly. But at first glance I see a young lady who is trying to love God and live right in spite of the being abused first by a pedophile and then by Doug Wilson.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Doug Wilson Thinks Marriage Saves You

Nope. Jesus is simply not enough in his world.

Well, let me rephrase that. He thinks marriage sanctifies you. So Jesus + Marriage saves and sanctifies you.

I'm sure the Apostle Paul would have something to say about that.

In case you are confused, here is Katie Botkin to explain it to you.

Doug Wilson on Marriage.

You go girl. Expose Wilson's false doctrine. Men like him need to stop having power over other people's lives.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Patriarchs' Second Lie to Women

The first lie of the patriarchs is that patriarchy is the prescribed biblical way of doing families. This simply is not true. Jesus actually spoke against it. I pointed this out back in 2011 with the post I Heard It Said Once in which I gave scriptural proof that Jesus did not support patriarchy as the biblical model.

The second lie of patriarchy is that patriarchy protects women and children.

One of my top ten posts links to the story of Doug Phillips, formerly respected patriarch and patriarchy pusher. Katie Botkin's post In Which Lourdes Petitions for a Lifeboat, points out that Doug Phillips was the founder of something called The Christian Men and Boys Titanic Society. This society would commemorate the sinking of the Titanic every year "praising the patriarchal Christian men who sacrificed their lives in favor of putting “women and children first."

But as was seen Phillips was far more concerned with the perks of being a patriarch than any protection it was suppose to offer. He liked having the perk of a live-in nanny that he could sexually abuse rather than protect. When the story broke concerning this nanny he abused, he and his wife were ready to throw the nanny under the bus, or shall we say, push her out of the lifeboat so they could get in it.

This was over a year ago.

Now we have another patriarch who has proven that patriarchs are, indeed, not concerned for women and children, but rather are concerned with themselves, their positions, and their reputations.
Doug Wilson married a gullible young lady to a known pedophile. When it turned out that this pedophile abuse a son born from this marriage Wilson expressed concern for his own reputation and the pedophile. No mention of any concern for either the mother or child is expressed in his response to the criticism he has incurred for promoting and blessing the marriage.

Sarah Korchinski has created a lovely Maury Lie Detector meme that I what to share concerning the second lie of patriarchy.

So, no, Virginia. Not only is Patriarchy not biblical, it also does not protect women and children. It makes them vulnerable to the abuse of patriarchs, mere men who want to be worshiped as gods in their homes and churches.

Friday, September 4, 2015

SHAME on Doug Wilson!

And I say it again. In bold. Large font.


The man is NOT a pastor though he parades around as one.

The man is NOT wise though he fancies himself thus.

The man does NOT represent Christ or the Gospel though he thinks no one understands either as well as himself

And the man should NOT be revered by those who consider themselves leaders in the body of Christ.

Wilson's foolish, unpastoral, anti-Christian actions led to the molestation of an infant.

He should leave his pastorate and go far away into the wilderness in repentance and for penitence of what he has done as a supposed Christian leader.

I say it again.


Proclaiming yourself wise, you truly are a fool.

Everybody else, follow the link for details

Pedophile Supported by Doug Wilson Molests a Baby.

May God have mercy on his misguided and errant soul.

For further reading on Doug Wilson see:
Doug Wilson is a Misogynist
Doug Wilson is a Misogynist part II
Where I link a post by WTH showing where Doug Wilson almost channels Eric Cartman

The man does not love people. He loves himself and his doctrine.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Scapegoating and the Modern Molech

"Molech was an Ammonite deity who represented masculinity and the part that man played in reproduction to bring about life."

So says Cynthia Kunsman in her very good article about the worship of Masculinity in the Duggar version of Christianity.

Will Anna Duggar be offered as the next living sacrifice to save the Duggar family Brand? Scapegoating, Spread your Legs Theology, and the Modern Molech

Cynthia has done a good job of pointing out how far people will go to prop up their false version of the Gospel.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How Bible Women Are Blamed or Ignored

A good article by Retha on how the women of the Bible are treated by modern day teachers and commentaries. And quite frankly their treatment of the feminine is nothing short of shameful.

How Church Sexism Colours Your View of Bible Women

Good job, Retha

Monday, May 4, 2015

Good Article on Gendered Language in the Bible

I want to be able to refer back to this when needed.

Upon the Ground of Men

Over at Searching Together

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Gem Lost in the Comment Section

I have moderation turned on for my comments.
When my life gets too busy, I don't get here often enough to check the comments in moderation. For this I am truly sorry.

So anyway, I've missed a comment that contained a poem I want others to see.
It is was left under a 2009 post called:
Manipulating Scripture for Personal Benefit.

Here is the poem

The "wife creed"
Distorted Faith - Distorted Love 
© Saina Veigel 

I met a pastor and he said that I am so very right: 
My wife truly needs to serve me day and night. 
She needs to be sweet and she needs to be kind.
And she has to be my sunshine. 

Regardless of my conduct, my sins and my shame. 
I am entitled to give her the blame. 
I rightfully posess power over her.
I am her husband, her lover. 
Whenever I want her to please me, she must.
I resent it when she calls my desires dirty lust. 

How dare she argue with me? For who is she? 
Don't argue! Don't upset me! Just serve me! 
She cries, "You don't love me!"
I want her. That's love. What else could it be?

But she resents my love, and I am confused.
I blow a fuse. 

No. I am not an angry man. 
I don't want to do her any harm. 
But I can't handle that she doesn't want to submit, 
and that's SHIT!
She's sinful not to meet my every wish.
She brings it all on herself: unhappiness and anquish.

She deserves to be rebuked and put in her place.
But if she behaves - she will find grace.
She has to obey me and love me and serve me. 
I am going to let her be 
as long as she is nice to me. 

That's my crede. That's what I believe. 
I'm so much like Jesus, don't you see? 

Thank you Saina for leaving this gem even though I found it a bit late.

Saina also left a message to men who have drunk deeply of deceptive doctrine that puffs them up. Go see what is said:
Saina's comment

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Far Graver Issue Than Driscoll

At least this is what a commentor on Throckmorton's claims.
Someone commenting under the name "Win" has brought up the issue of the ESV and it's false rise to success. He/She claims that it "is a far graver issue than the geographically isolated Driscoll situation." While I disagree with the thinking that the Driscoll situation is 'geographically isolated', I agree that the ESV situation is graver.

Here is a link to the comment: Win's words on the ESV

(note: posting this mostly so I can find it myself later)
(note #2: yes, still planning on finishing my critique of the Songs study guide.)

Monday, January 5, 2015

My Apologies

The Holidays are always very busy, energy zapping, and disorienting at my house.
But this year they hit even harder than usual.
I haven't forgotten about my critique of the Song of Songs study guide. I'm still not done shining the light of truth on it in order to expose  it for what it is, a worthless piece of tripe.
The problem is that with such a convoluted and misleading piece, it takes a bit more time that what I have to expose the layers of fraud and deceit involved in making it.
I hope to get back to this soon. But alas, I'm still recovering from the Holidays.
So here's to hoping that I can wrap this critique up sometime in the near future.