
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Christian Civilization and/or Nationalism?

 A long and meandering (or so it appears) essay by someone I've never heard of.

It examines what Christian Culture or Western Civilization is verses what the Bible says about following Jesus. Spoiler alert. They are not the same.

Against Christian Civilization by Paul Kingsnorth

As I continue to listen to the Sons of Patriarchy Podcast and hear about the horrors inflicted on the innocent in the name of Jesus and Christian Nationalism, this essay is a welcome reprieve. It's meanderings explore what true faith and works in Jesus look like verses the cold-hearted war-machine of Christian Nationalism and other cultic and culture war philosophies.

This essay also reminded me of a lecture given by Toby Hemenway entitled, "How Permaculture Can Save Humanity and the Earth, But Not Civilization". which I loved and wished more people could see and understand.

"What is permaculture?" you ask.

That is a huge question and way beyond the scope of this blog post. Even so, the very curious do deserve an explanation, one that isn't an hour long like the lecture by Mr. Hemenway. So below is a link to a brief video about it. There is so much more to permaculture than this six minute video could ever explain. But it is a good start for those who have never heard of it and don't have an hour to give Toby.

PERMACULTURE Explained in Six Minutes

Sorry if this post has gone in a crazy direction. And sorry if this link made between these two things mean absolutely nothing to you. I really only wanted to make this post so I could find Paul Kingsnorth's essay quickly in the future.

Bottom line: the two things that could save our planet and the people living on it as nations fall (imho) are Jesus and Permaculture.