This is a quote from a blog post that critiques "Wild at Heart".
The author has listened to interviews of John Eldredge, read both WAH, and Captivating and has come away with a bad taste in her mouth.
As I mentioned, I enjoyed Wild At Heart. But I never really thought about the side of it that said that the problem with men is feminizition.
If that really was his message, then all I can say is that I'm glad I missed that part. Also, if Eldredge really thinks that, all I can wonder is, how did women become so powerful that they were able to destroy the masculine in men? How many women would even want to if they had the power?
Women never were that powerful. And most women have no desire to destroy the masculine in men. There is something else going on. I want men healed and delivered. But I know you don't have to blame women in order to get there. In fact, blaming women for it only confuses the problem and makes it harder to get to a real solution.
Whole and healed men don't desire to hurt and rape their women.
ReplyDeleteMen act out on their woundedness by wounding, hurting, raping, and killing others.
I want them healed. Not strengthened in their wrong doing.
As long as they walk around in the curse of sin they will continue to be a curse to women and children and the earth.
The only way for them to get free of the curse is to turn their hearts to Jesus to get healed.
Men like Piper, Driscoll, and Grudem, as long as they continue to demand female submission, they show that they HAVE NOT GIVEN THEIR ENTIRE HEART TO JESUS!
They only give shallow lip service to the cross of Christ and what it has won for us.
Their hearts are unredeemed where women are concerned. And their souls remain wounded and unhealed.
I'm not pandering to them by pulling back the curtain of their hearts and pointing to their brokeness and woundedness. I'm calling them into account. I'm revealing what they are, wounded little boys who need to heal and grow up.
The reason I want men healed is because as long as they walk about in their woundedness, they will wound, they will teach false doctrine, they will surpress women using religion or whatever means they can.
I'm having trouble with blogger and haven't been able to make new posts. The last two posts that came up were prescheduled, and the one tomorrow (Jock Strap Religion) I prescheduled sometime last week.
If blogger ever gets fixed, I plan on a series on strong men who behave as Christ does towards women in contrast to the ones we've looked at so far. These men HAVE given their entire hearts to Jesus. You can see it by their love for women and children and their hatred of male oppression against women.
FWIW, in my experience, it is mostly women who have made me feel like I need to make myself "small" somehow to avoid intimidating them. Not men, with a few notable exceptions.
ReplyDeleteIn high school, and since college, I have felt the social pressure from women to not "show off" somehow by being too "analytical." (Men generally are able to interact in that manner, or at least opt out of interacting without complaint). Never mind that as long as I can remember, I have valued different people's different ways of being smart. Never mind that it was other people who were putting down people who were "book smart." So I learned not to say much.
It is only very recently that I have felt free to speak what's on my mind, with love and humility, and write off false accusations of "intellectual pride" as other people's issue. Because God created each of us, it's our job to be ourselves and value others -- it is not our job to MAKE others feel "valuable enough" by devaluing ourselves.
There is something to that.
ReplyDeleteBut again,it is an over all social pressure on women to make themselves small.
Back when Star Trek came out in the 60s, they wanted a female second in command. But when shown to a test audience, it was the women who didn't like her. They asked, "Who does she think she is?"
Now we have reruns playing of Star Trek: Voyager where the captain is a female.
When women are made to feel that they must be less and they see one of their own not marching to that beat, an intense jealousy can arise.
Think of Martha complaining to Jesus about Mary.