Well, sort of completely different.
It's no secret here that I have an appreciation for fiction and in particular, speculative fiction. I've mentioned Star Trek here more than once and did a series on Apollonian and Dionysian and the affects of stories and especially Single Stories have on us.
Well, I follow a number of blogs, more than what I have listed on the side here. I follow a fictional blog in the genre of speculative fiction that also happens to be Christian. Now don't freak. It is NOT of the CBMW or Patriarchy variety. I have no stomach for fiction from those crowds.
No this is a far more mainstream Christian Spec. Fiction blog that includes Catholics and Mainstream Protestants. It is called Avenir Eclectia. Don't ask me how to pronounce it.
Mostly I have just followed it on my own, not mentioning it here because I saw little connection between it and what we talk about here.
However today's fictional post is on a topic a little nearer to what we talk about than usual so I thought I share it. Cultic misprophecies.
The lovely thing about Spec. Fiction is how it lends itself to exploring and resolving the issues we deal with today and even reoccurring issues that come up from time to time in Christian Circles.
So please, if you have time, take a peek at this piece by Walt Staples, "Stony's World: Apocalypse Preempted".
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