
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Driscoll's Best Critic

When I find someone else who is better at saying and/or analyzing something than I am, I don't get jealous.

When I saw that Lewis Wells was better and more qualified at speaking out against Patriarchy and the Quiverful movement, all I wanted to do was to direct traffic to his blog so that people could read his words for themselves. His blog is in my blog role and I visit it frequently.

More recently, Wanatchee the Hatchet has come to my attention. He is a far better critic of Driscoll than I could ever be. He has written several post on Driscoll and they just keep getting better. Here is his latest concerning the way Driscoll has sucked the beauty right out of one of the best poems, a poem of poems, in the Bible, the Song of Solomon:

Poetry has the ability to cause us to transcend our, sometimes, harsh existence.
The opening scene of Anne of Green Gables shows Anne Shirley being entranced by the beauty of a poem. The first time I saw this scene, I though of Anne, "What a fruit cake." But since then, I have been entranced by the beauty of the Song of Solomon not unlike the way Anne was by her poem. This is why it was so difficult to watch a famous, shock jock preacher drag that poem down into the mud and make it base. Here is the scene of Anne reading her poem then being forced to deal with her hard life. You don't need to watch the whole scene to get the effect. It's really only the opening moments that display what I'm talking about:

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