
Monday, March 19, 2012

Off-Topic and FYI for Writers

And now for something completely different.
I know many of my blogging friends like to write. If they didn't, they wouldn't have blogs.
I also know some of my followers have first hand knowledge of domestic violence.
This little off topic venture is for you:
Friends, Family, and Foes:
Learning How to Recognize and Stop the Cycle of Domestic Violence
By Edie Melson
Call for Submissions
In 2001 my best friend and her daughter were her husband. I had spent hours in close proximity with this family and never knew they were victims of domestic violence. That
tragedy, along with the things that followed, dramatically shaped my life. I’ve
made it one of my life’s missions to warn others about the signs of domestic
violence I missed and help them put an end to the cycle of domestic violence so
common in our world today.
This book is under contract with
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas.
We are now accepting submissions of
your either your true-life experience with domestic violence or how you dealt
with a friend’s experience of domestic violence. The writer will receive full
credit for his or her story. We are looking for a variety of experiences, such
as and not limited to those of a wife, husband, parent, grandparent, child,
sibling, aunt, uncle, boyfriend, fiancé, or close friend.
Stories will ONLY be accepted until May 31, 2012.
Only email submissions will be accepted.
Attach your document to an email in an MS WORD.doc file.
Label the subject line of the email:
Friends, Family, and Foes, submission.
Submission Guidelines
Stories must be a true life experience.
Word count should not exceed 1500 words and we prefer the word count to be under 1000.
These stories can encompass a real life experience and are not limited to recent events.
Editors reserve the right to edit content for clarity and purpose.
Anonymous/Confidential Submissions
For those who do not wish to have their name included in the finished work they may choose any of the following options:
1. Publish story under a pseudonym.
2. Publish the story anonymously.
3. And/or change the story sufficiently to make it unrecognizable.
We will consider stories “as told by” for those who do not consider themselves to be writers. Please contact Ms.
Edie Melson for further instructions.

Upon Acceptance Author will receive a byline credit (if they wish).
Author will receive one free copy of the book, Friends, Family and Foes.
Topics covered in this book will include, but not be limited to:
Verbal Abuse.
Physical Abuse.
How to Recognize the Signs of Abuse in Your Friend.
How to Recognize the Signs of Abuse in Your Boyfriend/Husband.
Things You Can and Should do When You Suspect Abuse.
Things You Can’t Do When You Suspect Abuse.
How to Ask the Hard Questions.
Places to Get Help.
Places to Go for More Information.
Statistics on Domestic Violence.

Send your submissions to:
Ms. Edie Melson
Please direct all questions and queries to:
Ms. Edie Melson

About Edie Melson
Edie Melson is a freelance writer and editor with years of experience in the publishing industry. She’s a prolific writer and has a popular writing blog, The Write Conversation. In keeping up
with the leading edge of all things digital Edie has become known as one of the
go-to experts on Twitter, Facebook, and social media for writers wanting to
learn how to plug in. Her bestselling eBook on this subject, Social Media Marketing for
, is available on Kindle and Nook.
As a sought after writing instructor, her heart to help others define and reach their dreams has connected her with writers all over the country. She’s the co-director of the Blue Ridge
Mountains Christian Writers Conference, as well as a popular faculty member at
numerous others. Edie is also the Assistant Acquisitions Editor for
Fighting Fear, Winning the War at Home, was Edie’s second project with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. This devotional book for those with family members in
the military debuted on Veterans Day, 2011.
She’s a member of numerous professional writing organizations, including the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, The Christian Pen, The Christian Writer’s
View I and American Christian Fiction Writers. She’s also an assistant copy editor for the Voices Ezine, a publication of My Book Therapy and a part of the My Book Therapy Special Teams Blog and The Social Media Coach for the My Book Therapy Core Team .
Married 30 years to her high school sweetheart, Kirk, they have raised three sons.

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