
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Remembering Those Still in Bondage

Happy Independence day to all my U.S. friends!
Hope your festivities are going well.

I, for one, appreciate living in a country where I am free. Not everyone does, you know.

But what really bothers me is that there are people who live in this country who are not free. They are held in bondage by the commandments of deeply deceived men. They are not only held in this bondage, their very lives are at stake. They have been brainwashed by a misogynist and abusive religious system that has falsely stamped itself as "Christian". There is nothing Christian about this system that promotes abuse and dangerous situations for women.

Rather than continuing my rant and going on and on about how awful things are, let me direct you to an example of how bad things are.

Portrait of a Lady

See what I mean?


  1. That story is absolutely heartbreaking. Wow.

  2. I know, right?

    It's heartbreaking and infuriating.

    It is infuriating to me because Jesus came to earth to set people free, all people... men, women, and children.

    And yet these men use certain misunderstood and taken out of context scripture to lock up women in a terrible, life-threatening bondage.

    These men misrepresent God and God's plan for women.
    It is a form of taking the Lord's name in vain, saying, "Thus saith the Lord," when God has said no such thing. They are breaking commandment number 3 in order to control and rule over their sisters.

    But more importantly, may they repent from this grievous sin and learn what the true fear of God is because at this point they are clueless.
