
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mefferd Silenced by the Mars Hill Machine and Friends

I guess none of my Mefferd links are going to work any more. I think I'll leave them up as testimony to the spiritually bankrupt, ethically challenged Mars Hill Machine Church.

But I have some new links for you all thanks to a heads up from a commenter (Daisy) on TWW.

New Twist in Mark Driscoll Plagiarism Scandel: 'You may not go up against the machine'
On 'Right Wing Watch'

I Told You This Was No Boat Accident
On 'Fighting for the Faith'

Then this one for fun, also on 'Fighting for the Faith'

Mark Driscoll 2014 Plagiarism Calander

I never would have guessed that there actually was an Evangelical Mafia. But apparently there is and it has full authority and they have silenced Mefferd.

May Evangelical Mafia's authority crumble. May their cash flow cease. And may those in charge humble themselves and get (re)acquainted with Jesus Christ whom they claim to serve.

I don't know about anybody else, but I may be boycotting Tyndale indefinitely.

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