Unless you live under a rock, you most likely have heard about the ridiculous goings on at The Gospel Coalition, the Keller Centre, and Multnomah Publishing.
If, indeed, someone comes here not knowing, I will link three places to go for more information
Bare Marriage had a good post with lots of links to other opinions: My V@gina Is Not My "Most Holy Place": A Response to the Gospel Coalition.
Under Much Grace comes in with an overview of the history that has led up to this crazy outcome: The Spermeneutics of Spread Your Legs Theology
And I'll add Biblical Personhood's for good measure simple because I miss her voice in the blogsphere as she doesn't publish as much as she used.to and she had such good insight. (Hi, Retha, I see you!): The Gospel Coalition seemingly Endorses Phallic Worship -- And Inadvertently Makes the Case for Women Elders.
Poor Joshua Butler. He really stepped into it, didn't he? And TGC?
This is what happens when a bunch of men refuse to acknowledge the wisdom and concerns of women for years on end. This is what happens when they keep talking to each other about things they don't fully understand. They get weirder and weirder with no wise feminine input or push back. They get emboldened in their error. And out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Concerning the Proverbs Woman:
Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And the [q]teaching of kindness is on her tongue.Too bad TGC and other Complementarianas fight so hard to shut women up and beat them down with twisted Bible verses. Too bad they judged women to be foolish and unwise. By doing this, they have shot themselves in the foot. They had told everyone that women are lesser parts of the Body of Christ. As a result women were ignored, used, abused and dismissed. And this has blown up in their faces.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your faithful work. I noticed your comments on BareMarriage.com, and I'm honored. You're an encouragement to me, and I am grateful for that.
I understand why you don't do comments on your blog.
ReplyDeleteBut sometimes I wish you did so I could comment on something profound you've said.
Also, while I love Sheila, her team, and everything they do, sometimes I have to stop myself from responding to people who thank them for spearheading this or finally talking about that.
They mean well and don't mean to insult those of us who have been doing if for much longer. But I'm like, "Hey, let's not forget those who have been crying out against abuse long before it became cool."
But, bottom line, I'm tired and I'm glad so many others have come along to carry the torch and keep the traction going.
Well, we all bring a piece to the puzzle and something to the effort. We are one body with many members. Each person does what they're best at and hopefully teach one another to see the bigger landscape.
ReplyDeleteI keep reminding myself that things are always changing, "For the world in its present form is passing away." 1 Cor 7:31. There was a day when no one heard of this stuff and would have run those who teach these things out of their churches. Today, they are accepted. But those men who built this system are passing away, some of them literally. I watched a few minutes of John MacAruthur's sermon at the end of the Shepherds Conference this week, and he looks ill and frail. Tim Keller just asked for prayer for a new round of immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer. I keep praying for them to find God's grace and mercy. I was blessed with mercy and grace that I did not merit, and I want that for them. They need God's kindness -- as do we all and all of the men spearheading this stuff.
There are some in this generation that buy into this material, but I don't think that it can last. I don't think the generations that follow are going to latch on to these ideas.
But I have no doubt that God will work what He wants. (I do have a list of things I want to ask Him one day, as I would have done things very differently -- but we can all be glad that I'm not the one ordering the universe. In the meanwhile, I know that I can trust God and that He is working all things for the salvation of many and for His greatest glory.