
Monday, April 3, 2023

The Parable of the Talents Revisited.

 The Parable of the Talents used to bother me. That is, until I meditated on it and gained further understanding.

But this blog post is not about my understanding of the parable. I may or may not present that here at a later date.

Rather this is about someone telling the parable from a different perspective, one that I feel is needed in this day and age. It is concerning how the church treats women and their talents.

I want to leave the link for it here. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to explore its ins and outs. Perhaps not. More importantly, I'm putting it here so that I can find it again when I want it. I have reasons.

Anyway, here is the link:

Sort of Like the Parable of the Talents

God knows our weaknesses. He also knows the things that oppose His glory within us as women. How I wish that there were more Proverbs Men who supported and encouraged Proverbs Women, rather than all the leaders, teachers, pastors, husbands who kick the legs out from under their women and then complain about the weaknesses of women.

Edited to add two more links that I just want to have within easy reach

Rebekah Mui's response to Denny Burk

Sheila Gregoire's commentary on Rebekah's words.

I like them both.

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