How dare him for thinking that he is a pastor and teacher
How dare him for using women as props to justify his bad sermons.
How dare him for pornifying the Song of Solomon.
I have two links concerning Driscoll's defense of his "How Dare You" sermons.
One if from Underdog Theology where Dean addresses Mark's defense called "Mark Driscoll Gives 'Reason' He Screamed 'How Dare You!'" Dean doesn't start talking about Driscoll until about 15 minutes in.
The second link is from Wenatchee The Hatchet pointing out several other things, including that this sermon was no where near the level of controversial that Driscoll has displayed in the past:
Mark Driscoll revisits what he says was his most controversial moment in his public career.
Wenatchee makes some good points and brings up history about Mark that we should not forget including his infamous Scotland sermon and other pornifications of The Songs. And his time blogging as William Wallace the second.
How dare you, Mark Driscoll. While you claim to be a defender of women, in reality, you use them just as badly as any other unregenerate man. You are just better at manipulate and gaslighting than your average joe.
Edited 3/23/24 to add:
Mark Driscoll Tries to Justify "How Dare You!" Sermon
Another good one with lots of evidence like Wenatchee's post.
Edited 4/1/24 to add this link because of comments below:
Driscoll's Narcissism on full display
"Mark Driscoll is a brawler" at the 1:55 mark. And also mentions that he got physical with people, choking them, etc. in church during baptisms during Mars Hill days.