Yup, it's a firestorm. Yup, it's getting pretty ugly.
Nope, I don't want to get too involved except to say a thing or two and leave a couple links.
First off, those who have been with me, like, forever, know that back in the day when Driscoll was ranting and raving and raping The Song of Songs mostly unchallenged, I appreciated MacArthur's voice in the wilderness, calling Driscoll on his misused and abuse of Scripture.
I still appreciate what he has done.
But now, John MacArthur is ranting and raving and shooting off his mouth and pen with his book and conference called Strange Fire attacking Charismatics.
And apparently Driscoll crashed MacArthur's party.
My biggest impulse is to back up and let the elephants trample each other while I figure out how to serve God to the best of my ability in my small corner of the world far and away from these mad men. And I think that is just what I'll do.
But first I'll link a few things here of those taking on MacArthur's unchristian, unfriendly fire.
Wenatchee the Hatchet has a lot to say about some of this stuff (this is just a link to his blog, not any one post because he has several today).
Wade Burleson does a wonderful job addressing this in his usual level headed manner.
And Wartburg Watch, as always, will keep us updated.
So, for those of you who care to pursue this, I've linked these to get you started.
Oh that God would deliver us from the curse of celebrity pastors.
(Edited November 22, 2013 to add a link from WTH concerning the Open Letter to Mark Driscoll I mentioned in the comments below.)
Paul’s Use of Kephalē (“head”) in Ephesians
2 hours ago