Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good, His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 143:8 Let me hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning: For I trust in Thee; Teach me the way in which to walk; For to Thee I lift up my soul.
Just a couple today. They are self explanatory. God is eternal, and so is His lovingkindness.
If we listen and pray to hear, maybe we can hear His lovingkindess. Not just in the morning.
We can trust in Him and His lovingkindness. We can trust that He will teach us how to walk and how to live. It's not a guessing game. He doesn't play games with our lives. He's open and honest with us, with His feelings for us, and with His desire for good things.
If others have been deceptive with us, it may have colored our view of God. But I have found that He is patient with me as I work on trusting Him.
Origen on the Biblical Prophetesses
1 day ago
I added a new section to the blog bar, two sites [same woman], I stumbled upon her while reading Green Consciousness's site, why I missed her link before I don't know but the day I clicked I so needed to be there--
I don't know what her faith is, on her other site she has a lot of things about the ancient religion of Christianity, that relates to female but this one site has more nature,
I liked it, a lot, I see a lot in it, that relates to so much of what you say here, how God shows lovingkindness to women,
just seeing things in ways I didn't before, that aren't like 'accepted doctrines' in church but I see them anyway and seeing them more in Word too--read last night about Abraham and three angels, some things, odd things stood out there as well--
anyway, this woman has two really nice blogs, take a look when you can.
Love, btw thank you, God is always, confirming things through you, to me.
OK well she might be pagan, lol, I don't read as much as I look at the pictures, so thought I might warn there,
it don't bother me to read pagan writers because it's not tempting for me, I suppose, been there done that and understand what the leaning is but also it just never really stuck for me, know what I mean, so it doesn't bother me, well some things do, like if they are hostile to Christ or into deep Goddess beliefs, etc., those I stay away from, I can tell---can't explain I just go by what I feel inside,
but for many they may not feel comfortable for reasons that is between them and God so, I add this but with a warning, if someone is sensitive or feels convicted, just pass, don't want to be stumbling block here either. I like some sites that have a lot of nature in them,
but, I don't like, bow to the trees or anything. LOL Thought I would mention--when I clicked on site and started to browse-read, I saw something about pagan festival, I usually just ignore that stuff and take from what I see in the Word and God, know what I mean...
but, for many they may not be comfortable with this, what Paul said, about the food and all-it applies here too.
OK, well,
Love, Jane
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