I know Christmas is over.
But I leave Christmas decorations up until at least after the first of the year and dwell in the afterglow of Christmas for a bit after the 25th.
The Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah gets a lot of airplay this time of year. But I love his piece, "For Unto Us a Child Is Give" just as much as the famous chorus.
Origen on the Biblical Prophetesses
22 hours ago
we celebrate the whole Christmas season, which lasts for 12 days. We keep up our tree and decorations that long. Party on.
When I approved your comment I thought, "Cool that she can do that. I don't have the strength."
But since, I've had a chance to sleep on it and would like to look into the 12 days. I only know the song. What more it there to it?
If you don't mind bringing me up to speed.
When I was a child, we lived in PR for a little while. There, they celebrate 3 Kings day which is January 6. Dec 25-Jan 6 is 12 days.
Biblically, the three kings apparently came sometime after, since the scripture says they came not to "the stable" but to "the house" to visit the mother and child. (Matt 2:11)
Mama (I) was all ready for Christmas with the very quick and easy out of the box 30 inch fiber optic tree with a Nativity scene set up underneath. My college student was the motivator to go chop down a live tree from a local farm and set it up Dec 23.
So, our live tree will stay up, lit, and watered for the 12 days of Christmas and come down while my college age daughter is still around to lend a hand. :)
Thanks, Gem.
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