My friend, Sophia, is blogging about her recovery from being a member of Mars Hill.
I've added her blog to my list.
Today's post is on parenting and how she wants her child to not be needlessly burdened with sin.
She blogs about it here:
Rethinking Parenting
And here is a video I want to dedicate to Sophia and her children:
God's Ways are not Our Ways
Is the Marriage You want a Guarantee?
9 hours ago
Thank you so much! I tried to embed the video on my post but it was not working. I loved it. Made me think even more about childlike faith and what that means.
I know what you mean about getting videos to embed, or even link.
If I could figure out how to link things in blogger comment streams, I'd have linked that video on your blog instead of here. But since I don't know how, I had to do it this way.
Glad you were blessed. I love children so much. And so does Jesus. He said, "Let the children come to me and forbid them not."
He didn't say, "Make sure your children understand what horrid, sinful creatures that they are."
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