Found this blog post linked in a Wartburg Watch comment thread.
It is notable enough that I feel the need to pass it on.
Mark Driscoll Smacks Down Rebellious Evangelicals.
Of course Driscoll doesn't want any of us to search out what the Bible really says. Then he can no longer use it as a sock puppet that always agrees with him.
Is the Marriage You want a Guarantee?
11 hours ago
Thanks for the link to my place!
No problem.
The more people drawing attention to the many, many, issues that surround Driscoll, the happier I am.
God is good.
His word is wonderful.
Driscoll grossly distorts both and he must be exposed that, no, he is NOT a good teacher who rightly divides the Word of truth.
He's not a teacher at all.
He's a despot building a kingdom unto himself in the name of God.
Mara, you might also like this post I did answering John Piper's call for a more "masculine" Church:
Actually I had seen it already because it was also linked in the Wartburg Watch comment thread. And yes, it is a good one.
Actually, thinking a bit more. you might like the letter to Grace Driscoll that my friend wrote.
It is the most popular post on my blog of all time... And for good reason. I'm not the least bit jealous that it wasn't written by me.
Thanks for the link, Mara. Charis (whose writing I've run across elsewhere too) wrote a good letter to Ms. Driscoll, that's for sure.
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